The Providence Chapter of Chums is a Contributing Donor for the following Events in the Providence, RI Area.
The Providence Chapter of Chums is a 501 (c) 3 organization and in compliance with the state of Rhode Island. Your generous gifts and donations are tax-deductible.
• The Roger Willams Day Care Center.
The Chums donated over 120 books to the Roger Willams Day Care Center for children from ages infant through Kindergarten.
• The Institute for the Study & Practice of NonViolence
Victim Services - Clothing Drive
The Insitute is an organization dedicated to violence reduction, teaching nonviolence and supporting victims.
• Rhode Island Black Film Festival Events
2020 A VIRTUAL Film Festival.
• Rhode Island Homeless Military Women Veterans
Chapter donated new and gently used large handbags and totes filled with toiletries.
• The Crossroads Shelter.
The Chapter collected socks, clothes and toiletries for men and women And, fire retardant pajamas and sleepware for women and children.
• The Constance Edmonds Scholarship Fund
The Chums Scholarship Committee Thanks you for your support.
Visit the website for more details.
• “A Tea Party for Young Girls”
Visit the website for more details.
The Executive & Program Directors from ”Stages of Freedom,” sent an appreciation ” Thank-You,” note for our donation.
We’re always happy to hear from you!
** The Providence Chapter of Chums Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit Organization. Your generous gifts and donations are tax-deductible.