The Providence Chapter of Chums is a Contributing Donor for the following Events in the Providence, RI Area.

The Providence Chapter of Chums is a 501 (c) 3 organization and in compliance with the state of Rhode Island.   Your generous gifts and donations are tax-deductible. 

• The Roger Willams Day Care Center.                                       

 The Chums donated over 120 books to the Roger Willams Day Care Center for children from ages infant through Kindergarten.

The Institute for the Study  & Practice of NonViolence 

Victim Services -  Clothing Drive

The Insitute is an organization dedicated to violence reduction, teaching nonviolence and supporting victims.  

• Rhode Island Black Film Festival Events 

2020 A VIRTUAL Film Festival. 



• Rhode Island Homeless Military Women Veterans 

 Chapter donated new and gently used large handbags and totes filled with toiletries. 

• The Crossroads Shelter.  

The Chapter collected socks, clothes and toiletries for men and women   And, fire retardant pajamas and sleepware for women and children.  

The Constance Edmonds Scholarship Fund 

The Chums Scholarship Committee Thanks you for your support.

“Bow Ties for Boys !“ 

Visit the website for more details.

•  “A Tea Party for Young Girls

Visit the website for more details.  

The Executive & Program Directors from ”Stages of Freedom,” sent an appreciation ” Thank-You,” note for our donation.

We’re always happy to hear from you!

** The Providence Chapter of Chums Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit Organization. Your generous gifts and donations are tax-deductible.